
Sewage Authority Approved Minutes for July 2010


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The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Chairperson Betty Leair. Chairperson Leair announced the meeting was being tape recorded.  

Pledge of Allegiance

Members Present:  Betty Leair, Fran Gustafson, Debbie Black, Murray Lilley

Visitors: Tom Kakabar-EADS Engineer.

Motion was made by Murray Lilley and seconded by Debbie Black to approve the minutes of the Monthly Meeting of June 2, 2010. The aye vote on the motion was unanimous.  Motion carried.

VISITORS COMMENTS:  No comments.       


Tom Kakabar, EADS Eng., had nothing new to report.


a) Outstanding Project Issues: The Board discussed holding a meeting to compose a letter listing the outstanding project issues.  Motion was made by Murray Lilley and seconded by Fran Gustafson to hold a Special Meeting on July 12, 2010 at 7 pm to and to send copies of the letter to Dave Henning-PennVEST and Mike Zimmerman-DEP.  The aye vote on the motion was unanimous. Motion carried.

b) Cost Estimate for Sludge Pump Check Valve: The board is waiting for a reply from Dave Henning-PennVEST and Mike Zimmerman-DEP to see if the repair can be paid for from the remaining PennVEST grant.  The board agreed to get an estimate for the repair. 

c) Rich Gardner-Evaluation: The evaluation was tabled for six months.

d) Flood Insurance Quote:  The board received an E-mail from David Odegard-National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) explaining what is not covered under NFIP.  The pump stations in the flood plain are ineligible for the NFIP.  Since the pump stations are ineligible under NFID, FEMA should provide financial assistance for flood damage. The secretary was instructed to keep this E-mail on file.

d. Construction Line of Credit-Due 9/1/10:  The secretary was instructed to contact First Commonwealth about another extension.   

e. Survey Stakes:  This issue will be included at the Special Meeting.  

CORRESPONDENCE:  The correspondence was reviewed

TREASURER’S REPORT:  The treasurer’s report was reviewed.


Motion was made by Debbie Black and seconded by Murray Lilley to approve payment of the bills for the amount of $39,896.49.  The aye vote on the motion was unanimous. Motion carried. 


a)  Electric Generation Suppliers:  This issue was tabled.

b)   KWM Controls-Equipment Calibration:  Motion was made by Fran Gustafson and seconded by Murray Lilley to get a quote for the calibrations. The aye vote on the motion was unanimous.  Motion carried

     c)  Dave Henning-PennVest-Electrical Problems: This will be addressed at the Special Meeting.

d)  Assessment Permits: Motion was made by Murray Lilley and seconded by Debbie Black to sign off on the Assessment Permit for Kim Hetrick-Shed, Kim Hetrick- Garage, Ron Smith-Garage and Charles Baccino-Camp Addition. The aye vote on the motion was unanimous. Motion carried.


Fran Gustafson asked the board for permission to get a backhoe to dig up the drainpipe that is flooding Gene Winchester’s property to see if the pipe was damaged during construction.  The board gave Fran Gustafson permission. 


The maintenance report was read by Chairperson Betty Leair. This report is on file at the Sewer Authority office. Don Rucinski said everything at the plant is running fine.  Rucinski said the refrigerator at the plant quit working and he purchased a new one.

There being no further business to come before the board a Motion was made by Murray Lilley and seconded by Debbie Black to adjourn the meeting at 7:42 pm. The aye vote on the motion was unanimous.  Motion carried.