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Water Authority

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Jay Township Fire Company

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Local Churches












Adopted and Effective:  July 1, 1986

Amended:    4/4/89; 4/2/92, 3/10/09


Table of Contents


Section I

     Service Area................................................................................. 3


Section II

     Description of Service.................................................................. 3


Section III

     Cost of Service............................................................................. 3


Rate Schedule

    Readiness-to-Serve Rates............................................................ 4

    Special Rates................................................................................. 5


Policies............................................................................................... 6


Guidelines & Specifications............................................................... 7


Section IV

   Application For Water Service...................................................... 12

   Temporary Water Service............................................................. 15

 Section VI

   Rendering & Payment of Bills....................................................... 16

 Section VII

    Discontinuance of Service............................................................. 19

Section VIII

   Restoration of Services.................................................................. 20

 Section IX

   Municipal Lien................................................................................ 21

 Section X

   General Provisions......................................................................... 21

 Section XI

   Cross Connection Control.............................................................. 23

 (Amended 3/10/09)


Section I


The Authority shall be for the purpose of financing, acquiring, holding, construction, improving, maintaining and operating owning or leasing, either in the capacity of lessor or lessee, water works, water supply works, and water distribution systems in and around Jay Township, Elk County, Pennsylvania with service areas including but not limited to Byrnedale, Weedville and Force and with such other purposes and powers as are authorized by the Municipalities Authorities Act. (Amended 3/10/09)




The Jay Township Water Authority will endeavor to provide continuous water service for human consumption in accordance with the regulations and requirements of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act, as well as, the applicable rules and regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources.




The prevailing rate schedule of the Authority shall be made part of, and attached to, these Rules and Regulations immediately following t





 Effective October 1, 2002


(See Notes Below)


A)   Readiness-to-Serve Charge:


        Meter                                      Discharge            Quarterly

          Size                                        Type                              G.P.M                           Amount





($23/month)    $ 69.00




$ 103.00




$  172.00

1 ½”



$  345.00








$  1,035.00




$  1,104.00




$  1,207.00


Displacement or





$  1,725.00




$  2,070.00


Displacement or









$  4,312.00

Amount                                                                            Cost

(per) 1,000 Gallons    $1.10                                                         $ 1.10


FLAT RATES (per unit) (See NOTES Below)

 Camp Rate (nonresidential) (existing contracts only)   $21.00 per quarter

Nonprofit Community Organizations (4,000 gallons per quarter or less) $36.00 per quarter

B. V. Senior Center (based on number of tenants); Churches (other than parsonages), Authorities, municipal building, ball parks, and fire hall, are exempt from charges until they go over the set usage allowed. (Added 3/10/09)


SPECIAL RATES (per unit) (See NOTES Below)

Fire Department:       

          First 4,000 gallons per quarter……………… No Charge

         Filling wells & swimming pools…………. $1.10 per 1.000 gals. Due Quarterly with signed

               copy of Release Agreements. (Service shall be stream water)

         Immediate emergencies…………………..….No Charge with verification of use



A reminder letter will be sent out at the beginning of the next quarter.  If the bill is not paid, a certified letter will then be sent. (Added 3/10/09)

Late Payment…………………………10% per quarter on the total overdue amount.


Billing Change…………………………………………………………….No Charge


Restoration of Service: 

After Voluntary Discontinuance…………………………………..$50 00

After Failure to Pay Bills……………………………………….…$50.00 plus payment of any delinquent amount due including all expenses for collection, disconnection incurred by the Authority (A deposit may also be required).  The time water is shut off before re-connecting does not affect the $50 re-connection  fee.    

After Violation of Rules and Regulations…………….……………$50.00 plus payment of any costs incurred by the Authority.


Service Connections:

3/4”…………………………………………………………………$500.00 plus cost of

        Board approved materials (added 3/10/09)

 1”…………………………………………………………………..$600.00 plus cost of

                    Board approved materials (added 3/10/09)

         1¼” and Larger………………………………………………….…Board Decision plus

                         cost of Board approved materials

(Amended 3/10/09)



1)  The Readiness-to-Serve Charge shall be paid regardless of usage.

2)   Consumption Charges shall be paid in addition to the Readiness-to-Serve charge.

3)       3)   All charges are due upon receipt.  NOTE:  Late payments and fees see page 5.

4)   Unpaid bills for water service shall have a lien placed against the premises as provided by statute.

5)   Municipal, religious and nonprofit community service customers will not be exempt from service connection fees. These customers will be exempt from normal water service charges except when water usage exceeds 10,000 gallons per quarter in which case these customers will be billed at the current Metered Service Rate listed above.  Parsonages will be billed as a regular customer. If the water service remains on and the problem is not corrected within one calendar quarter, these customers will be billed for the excess usage at our current consumption rate per 1,000 gallons. These customers will also, be responsible for the installation and maintenance of their service line(s) in  accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Authority.

6)  In accordance with State law, the owner of the property served by the Water Authority will have final responsibility for all water service bills. As such, all bills will be mailed to the owner of the property served. Upon request, a separate bill will be sent to the consumer of the property. Any necessary correspondence will be sent to both the property owner and the consumer of the property.

7)  Current Camp Rates are no longer available for new applications. Camp Rates for existing contracts will apply until service is discontinued or water usage exceeds 15,000 gallons per year. Grandfathered Camp rate will be terminated if ownership changes and the new owner will be charged the normal water service charges. To avoid year-around water charge, camp owner may request water service be shut off but upon having service re-connected there will be a $50 connection fee.

Filling swimming pools by the Fire Department will be permitted only through a metered outlet as long as there is no drought or other water restriction emergency and provided that service to our customers is not jeopardized or in any way, adversely affected. Prior to filling any well or swimming pool two copies of a release agreement approved by the Water Authority must be signed by the property owner. One copy of the release agreements must be submitted quarterly to the Water Authority at the end of March, June, September and December of each year. The Fire Department will then be billed quarterly, taking into consideration the allowance of 10,000 gallons as described in item number 5 above. Requests for relief of charges because of use for immediate emergencies must be accompanied by proof of use documentation. Fire hydrants will only be used for immediate emergencies. Training or other special uses of fire hydrants will require prior approval.

9)   No post-dated checks will be accepted by the authority.

10) If a leak is found to be on the customer/owner’s lateral, a notice will be hand-delivered giving 10 days to repair the leak at their own expense. The notice will require customer/owner’s signature. If the leak is not repaired in the 10-days, water will be shut off until repair is made. (Amended 3/10/09)



     1. The customer is responsible for the meter installation which will be inspected by the Authority. The meter must be located as near as possible to the point of entry of your service line.

     2. If the meter cannot be installed inside your home, please refer to Sketch IV (See page 3e) for pit   installations. Mobile Homes owners may install meters under the mobile home, but the meter must be easily accessible and located in such a manner so that all water entering the mobile home is metered.    

     3. The meter shall be installed with the dial facing up in accordance with the attached drawings and in such a manner that it is easily accessible for service and inspection by the Authority personnel and also in such a manner that it will not interfere with public safety. The arrow on the meter should be pointed toward the outlet (customer's side) of the plumbing. You should be especially careful of this when using meter horns.

     4. The meter arrangement must be protected against freezing and mechanical damage.

     5. A wheel operated brass gate valve or lever operated brass ball valve of high quality and low pressure loss must be installed before the meter (globe valves are not acceptable) and a high quality brass check valve must be installed after the meter. Only spring loaded check valves will be acceptable on vertical pipes

     6. The remote readout (touch pad) is to be installed outside of the building in an easily accessible location, preferably near the electric meter, from 3 to 5 feet above the ground. Standard bell wire is required to connect the remote readout to the meter. The bell wire should be attached to the "R" and "G" terminals on the meter and then to the terminals on the remote readout.  Reversing the leads at the readout will not matter. The protective cover on the meter terminal can be removed by turning counterclockwise then lifting up. The remote readout must be firmly anchored to the building or post with flat head screws.

7.  Sketch I Indicates the preferred clearances and a recommended piping arrangement for meter Installations.

 8. Sketch II is a standard diagram of a recommended installation in a house or small business. Note that the only items supplied by the Authority are the meter and remote unit.


 9.  ketch Ill is a standard service line diagram for new or replacement installations. The installation requires inspection by Authority.


10. The meter installation should include a grounding wire across the meter piping for maintenance safety while repairing or removing the meter.


11.  Please call the Authority at 814-787-8853 when your installation is complete so that we can  Inspect the installation and seal the meter or also if you have questions during the installation.










RULE 1: Continuous water service can only be obtained through approval of proper application to the Authority.


RULE 2: Application, copy attached, for continuous water service shall only be made on forms provided by the Authority.  The forms shall, at least, contain the following information:


a)   Name of applicant/owner.

b)   Location of premises to be served and current mailing address

c)   Whether the premises has been previously served.

d)   Size of service requested, if known.

e)   Purpose for which service is to be used.

f)    Number of units to be served.

g)   Date applicant will be ready for service.

h)   Provision to attach a rate schedule.

i)    Whether applicant is the owner, tenant etc.

j)    Address to which bills are to be sent to owner and consumer.

k)   Agreement of consumer and owner to abide by the Rates Rules and

          Regulations of the Authority.

l)    Signature of owner and consumer.

m)  Date of application approval.

n)   Authorized signature and Title.

                             (Amended 3/10/09)


RULE 3: Applications for new water service shall be subject to approval of the Water Authority Authority Board.


RULE 4: No water service shall be provided to the new owner until all fees and other charges owed to the Authority are paid in full by the former water property owner.


RULE 5: The Authority shall make the final determination of the size, type and location of all service connections.


RULE 6: Service connection is hereby understood to be a connection to any pipe, owned by the Authority, within the distribution system, for the purpose of receiving continuous water service. Also, a new service connection is understood to include the addition of a residential dwelling unit, commercial unit, industrial unit or institutional unit to an existing service connection for the purpose of receiving water service.


RULE 7: A service connection tap and installation, when necessary, will be supplied, installed, owned and maintained by the Authority and will include a corporation stop or quik tap or an equivalent appurtenance, the pipe from the corporation stop to the curb stop, the curb stop and the curb box. (Also see illustration on page 10)


RULE 8: A "Unit" is hereby understood to be a singular purpose structural space (or spaces) with individual water needs such as living quarters (eg: house, mobile home or apartment), School, Hotel or Motel etc. The final determination of a unit shall be made by the Authority.

RULE 9: Any applications for water service which will be connected to plumbing systems that wereconstructed after accompanied by a Lead-free Plumbing Material Certification signed by a person knowledgeable of the building's plumbing system and authorized to request its connection to the water system. The Authority shall require an inspection prior to acceptance of the connection certification. The inspection shall include or require water testing or solder scraping tests. Failure to comply with this rule will result in application denial or water service discontinuance in accordance with Section VII, Rule 6 of these Rules and Regulations.

RULE 10: In establishing the feasibility of water line extensions necessary for service connections, the Authority Board will review the location of the proposed extension.

(a)  The review will evaluate the ability of the Authority to provide water service of adequate volume and pressure in accordance with local, state and federal regulations and requirements

(b)  The review will consider the type and cost of the facilities necessary to provide  adequate service and pressure

(c)  The review will consider the necessary right-of-way and land purchases, as well as the necessary permits

(d)   The review will consider any increases in liability and insurance costs.

(e)   The review will consider future development in the area of the proposed main line extension 

(f)  Any review that reveals a water line extension beyond the boundaries of Jay Township will require the approval of adjoining governing authorities. (Amended 4/2/92)

RULE 11: In establishing the cost assessment of water line extensions the Authority Board will review the entire project cost.

 (a) Any person requesting service, which will require a main line extension will be required, upon approval of their water service application, to pay for the size and type of main line facilities necessary to provide them with adequate water service. Also, they will be responsible for the installation cost associated with these facilities. This cost will be in addition to the required service connection fees. It will also consider fire protection needs as the Authority deems necessary.

(b) The Authority will acquire the rights-of -way, property and permits necessary for main line extensions. The property owner will be responsible for all cost incurred. After completion of the project, the rights-of-way, property and permits will become the property of the Jay Township Water Authority.

(c)   The Authority will enter into a written agreement with the owner of the property where water service is being requested. The agreement will address the conditions and costs of the main line extensions and will become part of the Water Service Application. The agreement will include the establishment of an escrow account in the amount estimated by the Authority to be the property owner’s share. The agreement will include a statement that the Authority will own and maintain the main line installed up to the curb stop and the service line will be the responsibility of the property owner in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Authority. The agreement will also contain a statement that future customers connecting to this main line extension will be required to pay their proportionate share of the initial cost which will be reimbursed to the customers who made payment toward the extension, until the total cost of the extension is paid. (The costs of the extension can include a review of the construction drawings, engineering costs, legal costs, inspection costs, administration costs, etc.)

(d)  Installation of main line extensions will be in-house or contracted at the discretion of the Authority board. Contractor installation shall be done in accordance with Section 5614 of the Municipality Authorities Act of 1945.  (Amended 4/2/09)   

 (Please also refer to Section 5607, d, 30 & 31 of the Municipal Authorities Act)





RULE 1: Temporary service shall be subject to approval of the Water Authority Board and shall be terminated within a period of six months.


RULE 2: The applicant shall be required to pay in advance, the net estimated cost of installing and removing facilities necessary in connection with furnishing temporary service. The actual cost in excess of the estimated cost shall be due when it becomes known.


RULE 3: The water service charge shall be the same as the prevailing rate for continuous service customers.


RULE 4: The applicant for temporary service is required to deposit an amount sufficient to cover bills for water service during the entire period that such temporary service will be in use. 


RULE 5: A change from temporary to continuous service will require approval of a water service application and payment of the appropriate fee. The amount paid by the applicant for installation and removal costs of temporary service will then be refunded.







RULE 1: Each property owner provided with continuous water service will, at the discretion of the  Authority, receive either a monthly or quarterly bill for the prevailing water service charge.  There shall be no allowance for vacancy or non-usage unless the Authority has written notice of water service discontinuance in accordance with Section VII of these Rules and Regulations.


RULE 2:  Bills for water services shall be payable upon receipt and due on the last day of each payment period.  At least fifteen calendar days will be allowed before service will be discontinued for nonpayment.


RULE 3: Post-dated checks will not be accepted by the Authority for payment of bill.


RULE 4:   The owner of the premises receiving water service will assume the final responsibility for payment of bills.  (See Policies Rule 6)


RULE 5:  Two or more parties joined on one application shall be jointly or separately liable and shall be billed by means of single periodic bills.


RULE 6: Multiple units served through a single connection will, at the discretion of the Authority, receive either one bill in an amount based on the number of units served or receive a separate bill for each unit served in accordance with the prevailing rate schedule, with the final responsibility for payment being assumed by the owner of the premises. (See Policies Rule 6)


RULE 7: All customers must notify the Authority within 30 days of any billing change (name, address, etc.) Customer must provide physical and mailing addresses.


RULE 8:  Customers beginning service within the first two weeks of a month shall be required to pay for the entire month or in the case of a quarterly payment period the entire month plus the remaining months within the quarter. New customers begin­ning service within the last two weeks of a month shall begin water service payments the following month or in the case of quarterly payment periods, the customer will be required to pay for the month next following plus any remaining month within the quarter. The Readiness-to-Serve charge will be split equally between old and new customer. (This Rule also applies to flat rate customers)

RULE 9: Existing customers that discontinue water service within the first two weeks of a month shall be refunded any advanced payments made to the Authority beginning the month of discontinuance provided all bills owed to the Authority are paid in full. Existing customers that discontinue water service within the last two weeks of a month shall be refunded any advanced payments made to the Authority beginning with the month next following provided all bills owed to the Authority are paid in full. The Readiness-to-Serve charge will be split equally between previous and new customer. (This Rule also applies to flat rate customers).

RULE 10:  The Authority may require any customer to establish credit by:

Payment of a deposit in an amount which is at least equal to one periodic payment plus the late payment charge. The deposit may be used by the Authority, in whole or in part, for any bills which are not paid within the allowable time limit. The deposit will be refunded to the customer when credit has been established to the satisfaction of the Authority. No interest will be paid on refunded deposits. Any customers having a deposit shall pay bills as rendered, in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Authority, and the deposit shall not be considered as payment on account of a bill during the time the customer is receiving water service.

RULE 11: Any customer who is sick, aged, incompetent or unable to meet their financial, necessities shall have the right to designate another person or agency to be responsible for payment of their water bills. Provided that the person or agency accepts the responsibility through written agreement with the Authority. Proof of Power of Attorney will be required-E.T.C.

RULE 12:  All meters shall be furnished by and remain the property of the Water Authority. Meter sizes shall be subject to approval by the Authority.

RULE 13: The service meter shall be installed as near as possible to the point of entry of the service line.  Placement shall be subject to approval by the Authority.  The meter shall be installed with the dial facing up in accordance with Authority specifications provided at the time of installation.  The meter shall be easily accessible for service and inspection by the Authority. The installation shall be done in such a manner that it will not interfere with public safety.  The meter arrangement should be protected against freezing and mechanical damage.  The customer shall be responsible for care of the meter.

RULE 14: If the meter cannot be installed inside the building, a waterproof meter will be installed inside a meter pit.  The meter pit shall be installed on the customer’s property according to the specifications of the Authority at the expense of the customer. At the discretion of the Authority, a meter pit can be required on service lines longer than 70 feet.  Also at the discretion of the Authority, the Authority may elect to do the installation.

RULE 15: All meter installations shall be installed in a manner that will prevent cross-connections.


RULE 16: The Remote readout shall be installed outside of the building in an easily accessible location that is three to five feet above ground level.  The preferred location is near the electric meter.


RULE 17:  Water meters shall be removed from the premises where water service has been discontinued or the meter may be damaged 

RULE 18:  Mobile home owners or owners of trailer courts may be required to make a deposit equal to the cost of the meter(s).  The deposit will be refunded when the meter is returned in operating condition.

RULE 19: Failure to install water meters after 10 days written notice shall result in discontinued water service. Installation of a meter assembly or meter pit (at the expense of the customer) will be at the discretion of the Water Authority.

RULE 20: By-passes or any installation that will prevent the measurement of water entering the premises is illegal and will result in discontinued water service and a $500 fine. The installation of a meter pit near the customer’s curb stop is at the customer’s expense.

RULE 21: Meters will be maintained by the Water Authority as far as ordinary wear and tear. The customer is responsible to the Authority for any injury or loss of any meter arising out of his negligence or carelessness or that of his servants, employees, and members of his household or other individuals on his premises.  The customer shall not permit anyone who is not an agent of the Authority or otherwise lawfully authorized to remove or tamper with the Authority’s meter.

RULE 22:  Disputed accounts involving the accuracy of a meter shall be investigated by Authority personnel.  Customer requests for meter tests shall be accompanied by a money order or cash for the deposit in the amount of the current rate being charged for each test.  The deposit will be returned if the meter is found to be more than 4% fast.  If the meter is found to have an error in registration of less than 4% the deposit shall be retained by the Authority and the meter reading shall be binding on the customer and the Authority.  When a meter is found to register more than 4% fast, the customer will receive a refund of the overcharge for the period the meter was in use, but not exceeding six months.  When a meter is more than 5% slow, the meter will be replaced or repaired by the Authority. When the meter is more than 25% slow, the customer will be billed for the undercharge for the period the meter was in service, but not exceeding six months. If a meter does not register, the customer will be billed at the minimum rate or upon an estimate of the consumption based on the customer’s prior use during the same season of the year, if conditions remained substantially unchanged. (Amended 3/10/09


RULE 23:  Delinquent customers must pay by cash or money order.

RULE 24:  No personal checks will be accepted as payment.  A service fee for any returned check will be added to the current bill. Any bank charge to the Authority for any insufficient funds will also be added to the bill.  (Amended 3/10/09)





RULE 1:  Any customer may voluntarily terminate their water service by written notice to the Authority at least 48 hours prior to the date of discontinuance.

RULE 2:  The Authority may discontinue water service for failure to pay any bill within 15 days after its due date. (Also see Section IX, Rule 1 of these Rules and Regulations and refer to Section 5607 of the Municipal Authorities Act.)

RULE 3: The Authority may discontinue water service if any appliance or apparatus of a customer causes contamination of the water supplied by the Authority or, results in annoyance to other customers, or is otherwise unsafe.

RULE 4:  The Authority may discontinue water service if the service to a customer is of such magnitude or of such character that service to other customers is adversely affected.  This rule shall include the right of the Authority to discontinue water service to any customer who is negligent or wasteful in the use of their water service.

RULE 5:  Service may be refused or discontinued by the Authority in order to protect itself against fraud or abuse 

RULE 6: The Authority may discontinue water service for failure to comply with the agreement(s) made in the application for water service.

RULE 7:  The Authority may discontinue water service to any customer for failure to comply with the Authority’s Rules and Regulations.

RULE 8:  The Authority will make a reasonable effort to notify any customer whose service will be discontinued. The notice shall be in writing and shall be presented in person or by certified mail to the last known address. Except that when conditions warrant, the Authority may give notice by telephone or in the case of emergencies, the Authority may discontinue service without notice. Prior to the discontinuance, however, the Authority shall also make a reasonable effort to determine if any person affected by the discontinuance is sick, aged or incompetent.  If such is the case, the Authority shall then take actions, as it deems appropriate, to lessen the impact to these individuals. 

RULE 9:  Failure to pay bills or other violations of the Rules and Regulations of the Authority by multiple units supplied through a single service will be deemed a violation to all and, at the discretion of the Authority, the entire service may be discontinued; except that such action shall not be taken until the innocent customer(s) has been given a reasonable notice and opportunity to attach their service pipe to a separately controlled curb valve.  (Amended 3/10/09)





RULE 1:  Continuous water service can be restored after voluntary discontinuance by payment of the prevailing restoration fee and approval of proper application to the Authority in accordance with Section IV, Application For Water Service.

RULE 2:  Continuous water service can be restored after discontinuance for failure to pay bills by payment of the delinquent bills(s) plus payment of the prevailing restoration fee, plus payment of all the expenses for collection, disconnection and restoration that were incurred by the Authority, and by approval of proper application to the Authority in accordance with Section IV, Application For Water Service.  The Authority may also require the customer to reestablish credit in accordance with Section VI, Rendering and Payment of Bills, Rule 9, page 17.

RULE 3:  Continuous water service can be restored after discontinuance for violation of the Rules and Regulations by correcting the cause for violation to the satisfaction of the Authority, payment of the prevailing restoration fee, payment of any costs incurred by the Authority as a result of the violation including disconnection and restoration costs, and by approval of proper application to the Authority in accordance with Section IV, Application For Water Service.

RULE 4:   Payment of all monies due the Authority under Rule 2 and Rule 3 in this section must be received prior to application approval.





RULE 1: Unpaid charges for water service shall have a lien placed upon the premises as provided by statute.



RULE: 1: Curb Valve Operation: The curb valve on service connection installations shall be under the control of the Authority. No person shall be permitted to operate this valve without the permission of the Authority Board.

RULE 2: Tampering: It is prohibited for any person not authorized by the Authority to tamper with alter, remove or injure any part of the Authority's water system or supply; including the opening of any clean-out facilities, faucets or fire hydrants. These acts shall be subject to penalty of law.

RULE 3: Resale: No water shall be resold by the recipient of water service from the Authority. No other use of water service is permitted except that which was granted by approved appli­cation to the Authority, unless authorized by the Authority Board.

RULE 4: Damage To Customer's Property: The Authority assumes no responsibility and is therefore not liable for damage to customer's property or water equipment by water delivered through the customer's facilities including pipes, faucets, valves or any other equipment owned by the customer. The Authority also assumes no responsibility for damage caused by spigots, faucets, valves or other equipment that may be open when water is turned on originally Or turned on after a temporary shutdown.

RULE 5: Service Interruptions: The Authority cannot guarantee complete freedom from interruption of service. However, reasonable diligence will be exercised to furnish an adequate supply of water. Provided that the Authority reserves the right to suspend service temporarily to perform necessary main­tenance or make necessary repairs, or improvements to the system. Also, whenever possible, a reasonable effort will be made  to provide advance notice of temporary suspension of service expected to be longer than one hour.

RULE 6: Water Conservation: The Authority reserves the right to retain a sufficient supply of water at all times in its reservoir(s) and/or storage tank(s) to provide for the needs of  fire pro­tection and other emergencies. The Authority also reserves the right to issue other water conservation measures as it deems necessary, including pricing controls. (Amended 4/4/89)   

RULE 7: Failure Of Pressure Or Supply: In the event of accident or damage to any part of its waterworks, including breakdown of equipment or machinery or any occurrence whatsoever affecting its plant, equipment or the operation thereof, the Auth­ority shall not be liable to any customer for failure of Pressure or supply.

RULE 8: Fire-flow Restriction: During the time water is being used for the extinguishment of  fire, only other water uses relating to the maintenance of health and sanitation are permitted.

RULE 9: Access To Premises: The Authority reserves the right of access to any customer's premises, at reasonable times, by authorized Authority personnel to (1) Inspect any Authority property or facilities (2) Check for unsafe or hazardous conditions (3) Check for any other  condition properly connected with the service of water to the customer; including the right to attach any testing device or other means it may elect to ascertain the conditions of the pipes and appurtenances and the uses made of the same.

RULE 10: Tanks And Swimming Pools:  Filling of tanks and swimming pools in excess of 500 gallons is prohibited; except by permission granted through special agreement with the Authority 

RULE 11: Customer's Service Pipe: The pipe from the curb stop or if no curb stop from the main to the premises served shall he installed by, and at the cost of the owner of the premises. Such installation shall be inspected by an authorized representative of the Authority.

RULE 12: Customer’s Service Pipe Maintenance: All maintenance and repairs for service pipes defined in Rule 11, and plumbing systems of buildings or other facilities owned by the recipients of water service shall be made by, and at the expense of, the owners of the premises served. The Authority may, however, in the case of emergency, repair any service pipe at the cost of the owner of the premises.


RULE 13: Excavation Work:  Prior to the start of any excavation work, all affected utility companies shall be contacted and advised of any work which could affect their facilities.


RULE 14: Damage to Authority Property By Customer/Owner: The Authority shall have the right

to bill any customer and/or owner for damage to Authority property or equipment which is a result of an act or actions of the customer. The bill shall be sent to the party causing the  damage, i.e. the owner or customer.

RULE 15:  As of 3/10/09 the customer will be responsible for the cost of any meter replacement.                                                                    (Amended 3/10/09)







RULE 1:  A cross connection shall be understood to be an arrangement allowing either a direct or indirect connection through which backflow, including back-siphonage, can occur between the drinking water in a public water system and a system containing a source potential source of contamination. A check valve is also required.

RULE 2: No person shall introduce contaminants into the Authority's water system through a service connection.

RULE 3: It shall be the responsibility of the customer to eliminate each cross connection and/or, at the discretion of the Authority, provide cross connection control devices to prevent contamination of the distribution system from both back-­siphonage and backpressure. (Also see Sketch II, page 9)

RULE 4: The Authority reserves the right to periodically inspect and test any customers cross connection prevention device(s). These devices must be serviced, overhauled or replaced, whenever they are found to be detective, at the cost of the customer.

RULE 5: The Authority will discontinue water service immediately where a dangerous unprotected cross connection exists.

RULE 6: The Authority will discontinue water service to any customer who falls to install necessary cross connection protection devices within 5 days of being notified in person by an auth­orized representative of the Authority and by certified mail.



IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Authority has caused these revised Rules & Regulations to be executed by properly authorized authority officials and under their official seal this ________day of ______, 2009.


ATTEST:                                                  JAY TOWNSHIP WATER AUTHORITY

                                                          By:   Nadine T. Pirazzi, Chairperson

Peggy L. Coppolo,                                By: Richard Liptak, Vice Chairperson /Secretary/Treasurer                            By: Friday, Member                                                            "Seal"                                       By: Carol Woodring, Member    

                                                               By: Geoff Sidelinger

      By: Betty Leair, Member

                By: Christine Gavazzi, Member


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